Blind arranging

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Blind arranging
Type: Group dynamics game
Number of players: about 10 to 20
Location: outdoors or in a larger room
Equipment: blindfolds
Duration: about 20 to 30 minutes
Preparation: none

Blind arranging is a group dynamics game for groups of about 10 to 20 people. The more players participate, the longer and harder the task becomes.


  • each participant needs blindfolds


The participants are blindfolded and stand in the room. Then they get their task: line up in one consecutive line according to you first name. Additionally, the task has to be solved without talking!

You can also use other similar tasks:

  • line up according to you age
  • line up according to your shoe size
  • etc.

The group then discusses how it can solve the task. They may talk during this round of discussions, but when they are ready to execute their solution, they have to cease talking. Typically, the team also choses a speaker that later on announces when the team thinks it has solved its task.


While the team solves the task, they may not talk, but they can communicate by other means (stomping, clapping their hands, whistling, ....). The trainers can give some hints about this when the team has no idea how to solve the task.