Shopping center/solution
Here, the solution to the riddle shopping center is presented.
Upon exiting the elevator, the player counts the floors to his left or right (depending on the direction). Floor number 1 means the player just next to you, floor number two is two players from you, etc. The objects available there have to begin with the same letter as the first name of the player reached when counting. So, if you go to the "first floor on the right", and your right neighbor is called "Tom", then you may buy tomatoes, or toothpaste, or tents there.
Note that the counting always starts at the player who is currently talking (whose shopping center the group is in)!
- Escalator
When using the escalator, you just use the last name of the player.
- Sequence
Of course, it is important the the players can be ordered in some kind of sequence. You should be standing (or sitting) in a circle or alike. When there is no sequence among the players, the game can hardly be played.