King of ants

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King of ants
Type: fun game
Number of players: an number, usually more than 10
Location: everywhere
Equipment: none
Duration: longer time, but along the way
Preparation: none

King of ants is a fun game, that is played over a longer time but is played along the way of other activities. There is no real game's story line, but fun situations usually emerge.


  • you need to specify randomly which player becomes king of ants. Usually, playing cards are used for that.


All players get their roles assigned. Most of them are "normal" ants, but one (or a few) are king (or queen) of ants. At any point in time those kings and queens can disclose their role to their subordinate ants. Those have to pay homage to the king in a way the king deems right (by kneel down, singing a song, bowing down, etc.) for the time to follow (you can limit that to, for example, one hour) - every time they meet. Those players not remembering to play homage can be punished by the king (for instance, provide special services to the king, etc.)